Ensure that a completed referral form indicating photo attachment has also been faxed to our office. Photos without a corresponding referral form will not be accepted for consultation.
SHINGRIX vaccine protects you against shingles and is recommended for those adults 50 and older even if you have previously had shingles and/or the older Zostavax vaccine. Now insured by the Ministry of Health for all individuals 65 - 70 years old. Click here to learn more.
Available in office both for sale and free of charge for those eligible (65 - 70 years old).
Click here to learn more. I highly recommend you register for our online booking system called POMELO. If you have not already received an invitation to register or have problems registering, please contact the office & staff will assist you in the registration process.
Click Here to learn more about Bexsero, an important childhood vaccine protecting against Meningitis B.