Ensure that a completed referral form indicating photo attachment has also been faxed to our office. Photos without a corresponding referral form will not be accepted for consultation.
For current recommendations Click here or visit www.ontario.ca/vaccines. Concerns with vaccines? Click here.
Never lose your yellow card again. Access your immunization records at any time on your phone. Download APP here: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/immunizeon/id574951915?mt=8
Provide your current e-mail & as a COURTESY service, receive e-reminders of upcoming appointments. (The office will also provide an appointment time card to you if booking in office). Do not rely on this as the sole means of remembering your appointment. We can not guarantee receipt of all e-mails at your end due to multiple technical variables of which we have no control. WE DO NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES TO CALL PATIENTS TO REMIND THEM OF THEIR APPOINTMENTS. Patients are responsible for managing their appointment times. Missed appointments are subject to charges of $125 for a consultation/physical/counselling and $65 for a regular appointment.